Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Lynsey & Kynlea - OKC, OK

Oh how I loved this little girl and how she made me want to have a little girl of my own!!! (One day, far, far away, of course...) Just enough attitude and just enought sweetness to make her oh-so-perfect! And GORGEOUS too!!! But look at mom! We know where Kyn got her looks for sure! Loved working with you two! Hope you enjoy your pictures!

Jaxon Lee! - Ada, OK - 1 year birthday pictures

Here is Jaxon. He turns 1 this month! This kid has the biggest smile I think I've ever seen and sooo CUTE! (He does know how to give the stare-down look too though ;-). Thanks Mom, Dad, Aunt and Grandma for helping me out in keeping him happy and smiling! Man did he looooovvveee that cupcake!